Already Analyzed Companies
Fundamental Rating from 1 to 5
Overall Rating
This indicates the overall rating of the company after analyzing the business , financial strength , management quality ,
growth and other fundamental parameters of the company.
Give ratings from 1 to 5 where
1 means a very average company with low growth , low return on equity, needs lot of capital expenditure and have no competitive advantage.
5 means a company with good growth , good cash flows , good return
on equity , exceptional brand value , needs very less capex and working capital and have bright future prospects.
Valuation Rating
Valuation Rating
This indicates the valuation rating of the company Give ratings from 1 to 5 where
1 means that stock price of the company is at very high valuation compared to business
prospects of the company and there is either no upside in near future or stock price can
go down in near future
5 means that stock price of the company is at very low valuation compared to business
prospects of the company , hence lot of upside can happen.
Last Updated
Supremeindustries 4 32012-12-29 07:08:23
Talwalkarsbettervaluefitness 2 22012-12-28 03:11:12
Mindtree 3 32012-12-28 04:16:56
Thangamayiljewellery 4 52012-12-28 04:16:16

Important Disclaimer
Investment in equity shares has its own risks.Companies mentioned in the above list are not recommendations.We have provided analysis on above companies to help individual investor learn the investment process using some practical examples.The information contained herein is based on analysis and up on sources that we consider reliable. We,however, are not responsible for the accuracy or the completeness thereof.This material is for personal information and we are not responsible for any loss incurred based upon it & take no responsibility whatsoever for any financial profits or loss which may arise from the recommendations above.The stock price projections shown are not necessarily indicative of future price performance.The information herein, together with all estimates and forecasts, can change without notice.